The film “MY FAVORITE SMYRNE” (summerspecialcutreissue), based on the play of the same name by MIMIS DENISIS, is an overproduction of a high standard international cast that honors the culture of Ionia. We made a great cinematic project with universal messages, which aspires to convincingly convey to the big screen the atmosphere of the time through perfect scenes and costumes and the devastating destruction of Smyrna, using modern digital effects.Τα γυρίσματα της ταινίας πραγματοποιήθηκαν σε: Λέσβο, Χίο, Αθήνα,Πειραιάκαι Φάληρο.Ηταινίαθαεπανακυκλοφορήσεισεειδικόμοντάςγιατιςθερινέςκινηματογραφικέςαίθουσες,απότηνTanweerστις19Μαϊου2022,μεαφορμήτηνσυμπλήρωση100χρόνωναπότηνΜικρασιατικήκαταστροφή.ΣύνοψηHFilioWilliams, μία ηλικιωμένη Ελληνοαμερικανίδα, σπεύδει στη Μυτιλήνη με την εγγονή της Helen, για να συμπαρασταθεί στους Σύριους πρόσφυγες. Nobody knows her origin, nobody knows that Filio Baltatzi, Smyrna’s grandmother, was once found on the same island, tortured and a refugee. The notebook with the recipes of the eponymous grandmother unfolds the turbulent history of the cosmopolitan Baltatzi family, as shaped by the tragic international developments that determined the fate of entire peoples. Different generations of women of the same family are united in space and time, through the threads of history. Present and past become one.